How to check TDS in water at home? पीने के पानी का टीडीएस की जाँच कैसे करे?

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This is simple water test for Total Dissolved Solids(TDS), expressed in units of mg per unit volume of water (mg/L), also referred to as parts per million (ppm)

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Total ​dissolved ​solids (TDS) :​ ​ comprise ​inorganic salts ​and small ​amounts of ​organic matter ​that are ​dissolved in ​water. The ​principal ​constituents ​are usually the ​cations calcium,​ magnesium, ​sodium and ​potassium and ​the anions ​carbonate, ​bicarbonate, ​chloride, ​sulphate and, ​particularly in ​groundwater, ​nitrate .TDS ​is ​expressed in ​units of mg per ​unit volume of ​water (mg/L) or ​also referred ​to as parts per ​million (ppm)

Taste of ​Water with ​Different TDS ​Concentrations ​
Level of TDS (​milligrams/itre) ​

Less than 300: Excellent
300 - 600: Good
600 - 900: Fair
900 - 1,200: Poor
Above 1,200: Unacceptable

World Health Organization (WHO) has prescribed an acceptable limit of 500 mg/L. As per Bureau of Indian Standards (IS: 10500) guidelines, 500 mg/L is the desirable limit and 2000 mg/L is the permissible limit, which means drinking water having TDS in excess of 2000 mg/L must be rejected

permissible tds value in drinking water is under 500 mg/L
tds level in bisleri water : 80-150 mg/L
water tds for human body is under 500 mg/L
what should be the tds of pure drinking water is under 50 mg/L
ideal drinking water should be under 50 ppm or lower
ideal tds of drinking water is under 50 mg/L
tds of drinking water is under 50 mg/L


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